I’m an Associate Professor in Data Science and Informatics at the University of Oxford, and a former British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow. I maintain various open and interactive online projects, such as the GWAS Diversity Monitor and RobustiPy, and I am also active in the Open Science movement.

Primary Interests

  • Methodology, specifically model uncertainty, responsible research, machine learning, and the life course.
  • Applied Data Science, specifically ‘unstructured data’ found ‘in the wild’.
  • Scientometrics (data analysis of the scientific record at scale).


With many thanks to some truly excellent co-authors, my work has recently been published or is forthcoming in: Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A, Psychometrika, Nature Climate Change, AI & Society, Population Studies, the International Journal of Epidemiology, Nature Genetics, the new Nature sub-journal Communications Biology, the American Sociological Review, Nature Human Behaviour, the International Journal of Population Data Science, Kyklos, the Journal of Housing Economics and Computational Economics. Find the code for those papers on GitHub here.


I currently lead on teaching in Population Data Science in various forms. I have previously taught Demographic Analysis, Life Course Research, Replication and Transparency in Open Social Science (a replication project and accompanying discussion group), Python for Sociologists, Econometrics with Financial Applications, and An Introduction to Econometric Software. I also give guest lectures and workshops on ‘An Introduction to the Command Line’, ‘Machine Learning for Social Scientists’, the LaTeX typesetting language, and help to co-convene various summer and autumn schools (e.g. SICSS-Oxford, OxBer).

Prospective Students

I currently supervise methodologically advanced students in various areas of computational science. I am increasingly looking to supervise students in the area of large-scale scientometric analysis and, seperately, deep learning applications for health and social science. If you would be interested in potentially joining our team, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Last updated: 1st August, 2024.